Tapas started his first enterpreneurship journey at the age of 21 with launch of i-matrixsoft a web development company and later ventured into web development Training.  In past one decade he has taught 50k+ students which includes his corporate assignments. Then he moved on to Motivational Speaking and started REBOOTCLUB Training Systems. Using blended learning system sprinkled with fun, engagement, Learn by Doing and humour, Tapas makes a impact on his audiences. His workshops are designed for audiences ranging from corporate executives, entrepreneurs, students and as Tapas says “for anyone who is committed in making their lives and society better”. From keynote speeches, to workshops and strategic interventions, Tapas is the most sought after name in the corporate industry.

Full of passion, ergery and using uptodate cutting edge technology, Tapas treats life as an adventure. His love for people and her purpose of empowering them to reach for the life of their dreams, is his driving force.


I’m now on a bigger mission. so, far I have been helping only those people who come to us at rebootclub. However their are so many people who do not have access to right system and tools to reach the finish line. The realization of this vacuum has made me to create Rebootclub-the community to grow and succeed faster.


Learn the Pioneering Principles + Proven Tactics + Proven techniques to monetize your Skills.

It also helps you to Multiply Your Productivity, Accelerate Your Performance and Create a World-Class Business and Life. 


He has successfully hosted 500+ workshops for 180+ Top Corporate clients online and offline.  A World Class speaker on Go-Digital Framework, TAPAS MISHRA has been called upon by Corporate Head Honchos & Leaders to Motivate, Empower and Drive their Human Capital towards Excellence, Peak Performance and Go Beyond Limiting Boundaries! 

behind my success

my team